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Animal Health Status
TB - Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme
All animals must come from herds, which are Officially TB free (OTF - i.e., not restricted) and the herd and relevant animals must have had a clear test within the previous 12 months – this test must be recorded on the Department’s Animal Health Computer System (AHCS). In general, apart from cows, and males over the age of 36 months (see next paragraph) no pre-movement test is required for TB. However, it is recommended by the Department that a 30-day pre-movement test for TB should apply to all Shows. Animals which have disclosed inconclusive reactor results are not permitted to be moved for the purpose of exhibition at shows.
New Animal Health Law Requirements
From the 1 February 2023, cows and males over the age of 36 months that move from a show to a different herd must either have been tested in the previous 30 days or the animal and the herd presenting it to the show must have been tested in the previous six months prior to movement. If a cow, or a male over the age of 36 months, moves from a show to a different herd and does not meet the above criteria then a TB test must be carried out on the animal concerned within 30 days of its movement into the new herd. If after 30 days, the animal has not been tested, the herd into which it has moved will be restricted and if, after a further 30 days the animal has still not been tested then the entire herd will be listed for a TB test.

Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD)

All bovine animals must have a negative BVD status for BVD virus (not antibody) when moving, including to shows, within the state. Regarding animals entering the state from abroad including Northern Ireland (NI), it is recommended these are tested for BVD and evidence provided to the show organiser. Some animals from NI may have been tested in the voluntary phase of the programme there. It is possible for a declaration of such negative results to be generated from the NI database and provided to the show organiser. Animals entering the state, including Northern Ireland, must have a valid E.U. Health Certificate

Bovine Identification & Mandatory Electronic Identification of bovines (EID)
Mandatory electronic identification (EID) of bovines has been implemented with effect from 1st July 2022. This means that all bovine animals born on or after 1 st July 2022 must be identified with 2 official flag tags, one of which contains an EID component. All bovines born prior to 1st July 2022 must continue to bear 2 official flag tags as heretofore. There is no mandatory requirement that bovines in this age category bear an official EID tag.

All bovines attending shows must be accompanied by their passports.

Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) Notification
1. The movement of cattle to and from an Agricultural Show/Fair within the State must be recorded on the AIM System.
2. With effect from 4 February 2019 there is a specific Certificates of Compliance for the “Movement of Bovine from a Single Holding to a Show”, form NBAS 31K refers.
3. The herd keeper must obtain the Certificate of Compliance prior to the movement of animals. The certificate can be created by (i) applying on-line using their agfood account or (ii) where the keeper is not on-line the certificate can be generated by the local Regional Veterinary Office (RVO) following receipt of a completed form NBAS 31 K.
4. The creation of a certificate is subject to normal movement criteria such as clear TB test etc.
5. A copy of form NBAS 31K is included at Appendix 2 and will also be available on
6. When applying for this certificate, the Show/Fair number is not required. The certificate generated will include an “S” symbol.
7. The Certificate of Compliance for a show will continue to be valid for a period of up to 30 days. As is currently the case, these can be used for the movement of animal/s to several shows during the validity period of the certificate. Requests to the RVO should be provided with sufficient time to allow for the certificate to be generated and issued especially where one cert expires, and another is required immediately. Keepers who are likely to attend at consecutive shows are strongly advised to apply using agfood.
8. Calves which are less than 10 days old cannot be moved to a Show.
9. The Movement Notification Section of the Certificate should be completed and signed by the Keeper. The form should also be signed / stamped by the Show Secretary who must clearly indicate the Show Number. The Show movement should be recorded on the passport. Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling these requirements lies with the Show Secretary.
10. If the animal/s move from the show to a herd other than the source herd, the new destination herd must also sign the certificate.
11. Completed forms must be sent by the Show Secretary to the local RVO within seven days of the Show. Failure to have movements recorded within the required time scale may have implications for the herd keeper/s involved.

Cattle being Moved from Northern Ireland for an Agricultural Show
Movements from Northern Ireland (NI)
It is very important that any proposal to move cattle to a show, including from NI, is made known to the local RVO well in advance so that consideration can be given to compliance with the requirements outlined below.

Status of Bovine Animals moved from Northern Ireland for a Show
Cattle from NI being moved to a show must be certified in accordance with the normal animal health requirements for intra-community trade in breeding animals including having passed a TB test (INTRA TRADE interpretation) during the 30 days prior to movement.

To comply with eligibility requirements for return to Northern Ireland after the show 

Cattle cannot mix with any cattle of a lesser health status while at the show.
This can be achieved in one of two ways:
1. either the moved animals are kept segregated fully from other cattle at the show which have not been tested, or
2. all cattle attending the show must have been TB tested (Intra Trade interpretation) within 30 days.

Documentation Required
1. Cattle moved to a show from NI must be accompanied by an original breeding Intra-Trade Animal Health Certificate (ITAHC) and a passport for each animal.
2. A TRACES message, corresponding with the TRACES certificate, will be sent for each animal or consignment being dispatched to the show (this will be performed by officials in the dispatching country).
3. For the return journey, this original certificate must be endorsed by the signature of the official veterinarian of the Department at the show, together with the official stamp of the competent authority and date of endorsement.
4. A TRACES message will be sent for the return journey also (this will be performed by Department officials attending the show).
5. In addition, a non-comminglement certificate must be issued by the official veterinarian for the show at or before return, stating that the animal shows no clinical signs of disease and has not been in contact, during its stay at the show/event, with animals of a lesser health status. The passport must accompany the animal on the return journey also.
6. CMMS 5 - In such cases and in addition to the above the Keeper/Owner of the animals in conjunction with the Show Secretary must also ensure that a CMMS 5 document is completed and returned to the Animal Identification and Movement Division, Backweston Administration Building, Stacumny Lane, Celbridge, Co Kildare, W23 X3PH detailing those animals moved to take part in the Show. The keeper of the moved animal(s) is required to sign the form when the animal arrives at the Show and provide his/her herd number. Following the Show, the official veterinarian should complete the bottom portion of the CMMS 5 form also confirming that he has stamped the official Health Certificate and that he has issued a Non-Comminglement Certificate.
7. A copy of the CMMS 5 form is attached at Appendix 2 and will also be available on the Departments website/from the local RVO.
8. The Secretary/Keeper should retain a photocopy of the form if required.

Requirement in respect of Cattle being:
A. Moved to Northern Ireland for an Agricultural Show (and returned) and
B. Consideration regarding movement of cattle to an agricultural show within the EU other than NI

A. Movement to Northern Ireland
1. Cattle moving from Ireland to a Show in NI must be recorded on the Departments AIM database.
2. When the ITAHC is being issued by the local RVO, they will arrange to have the outward movement for the animal(s) recorded onto AIM. All cattle must be accompanied by an official TRACES ITAHC for bovine animals (BOV-X).
3. A TRACES message, corresponding with the ITAHC, will be sent for each animal or consignment being dispatched to the show (this will be performed by Department officials in the RVO).

Cattle for Breeding and Production
Valid identity card/passport - all animals
Negative TB test (Intra Trade interpretation) - all animals aged over 42 days within 30 days prior to movement

1. Regarding BVD, keepers will need to satisfy the RVO that
a. the proposed show will not accept animals from herds that have contained animals Persistently Infected (P.I.) with BVD within the past 18 months
b. all animals at the show will come from herds where every animal has either a direct or indirect negative BVD test.

2. An official certificate of non-comminglement should be issued by the veterinarian at the show, at or before the time of return.
3. All animals should be isolated for at least 14 days on their return to the herd of origin. The herd keeper should make arrangements with the RVO to have the animal(s) sampled for BVD antibody and antigen before mixing with the rest of the herd.
4. Keepers should be aware that if the results of these tests indicate that the animal(s) pose a risk to the National eradication programme, an epidemiological investigation may be triggered.

Note – Normal movement rules including the 30-day residency rule will apply.

B. Movement of cattle to an agricultural show within the EU other than to Northern

Agreement for the movement and immediate return of cattle to a Show in another country within the EU or vice versa currently applies for movements between Ireland and NI only. Requests for cattle from Ireland to attend shows in countries other than NI will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Before the movement of cattle from Ireland to a Show in parts of the EU other than to NI takes place, it is imperative to establish that the Competent Authority of the destination country has agreed to put in place the same system for the processing of the documentation as applies to movements to NI. Therefore, exhibitors who wish to show cattle at an EU Show other than in NI should contact the local RVO at least one month prior to the Show. Where the movement of cattle from Ireland is agreed with the destination country, the movement of such cattle must be recorded on AIM. When the official ITAHC for bovine animals is being issued by the local RVO, they will arrange to have the outward movement of the animal(s) recorded onto AIM. 

Process to be followed to ensure that a record is generated to record the return of cattle from a Show to the Home Farm from:
 Northern Ireland and/or
 A location within the EU other than to Northern Ireland where applicable/approved in
line with the above (additional to those noted below may also be requested where
Documentation required
Following the show, the following must be provided:
a. The Intra Trade Animal Health Certificate (ITAHC) that accompanied the animal from Northern Ireland must be endorsed and stamped by the official veterinarian at the Show (a new ITAHC may need to be generated to accompany the animals if they are returning to a location other than Northern Ireland)
b. A Non-Comminglement certificate
c. CMMS 6 form: When the animal returns to the home farm, the keeper presents these Certificates to the RVO along with a completed CMMS 6 form stating that the animal has returned from the show. The RVO can then record the return movement back to the keeper’s holding on the AIM system. A copy of the CMMS 6 form is available on the Departments website/from the local RVO.
The Secretary/keeper show should retain a photocopy of the form if required.

Entries Close 22nd July 2024

Sheep Shearing entry closes 7th July 2024