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254: Champion Lanark Type

Sheep ➤ Blackface Sheep- Lanark Type Tue 6th Aug 2024 - Wed 7th Aug 2024



All sheep must be identified individually with appropriate ear tags issued in accordance with the requirements of the National Sheep Identification System (NSIS).

Movement documentation

All consignments of sheep being moved must be accompanied by a completed dispatch document. Individual details of each sheep in the consignment must be recorded on the document. Sheep from non-restricted flocks only can be moved to shows. In the case of flocks restricted following diagnosis of scrapie, sheep possessing ARR/ARR genotype only may be exhibited. The movement of these ARR/ARR genotype sheep must be accompanied by the relevant movement permit (SCR/10), which can be obtained from the local District Veterinary Office in the county where the flock is located.

AIM Notification

The movement of sheep to and from an Agricultural Show within the State must be recorded on AIM. This is done using a copy of the owner's sheep dispatch document as follows:

1. The owner/keeper presents the signed and completed dispatch document to the show secretary who checks it to ensure that it is completed in full.

2. The show secretary fills in the MART section of the dispatch document with (i) the show number, (ii) the date of the move back to the source holding (iii) stamps it with the shop stamp and (iv) signs the dispatch document.

3. The show secretary then forwards the completed pink section of the dispatch document to the local DVO within 7 days of the show movement.

4. The show secretary keeps a white copy for his/her records.

5. The source/destination keeper keeps the bottom yellow copy to enter it into their flock register. Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling this requirement lies with the Show Secretary.

Flock Register

All movements of sheep to and from shows must be recorded in the keeper's flock register.

New Rule for Exhibitors

If a qualified exhibitor does not turn up to an ISA final without giving prior notice to the ISA office or to a board member he or she will incur a financial penalty.

Entries Close 22nd July 2024

No entries permitted on day of event.

Tue, 6th Aug, 2024
Prizes:   1st - €100.00
This is a Championship Class. Entry via Qualifing Classes.
Qualifying Classes
Class 246: Ram two shear and upwards
Class 247: Ram Shearling
Class 248: Ram Lamb
Class 249: Ewe Two Shear and upwards having reared lambs in 2024
Class 250: Ewe Shearling
Class 251: Ewe Lamb
Class 252: Mixed Pair of Lambs, one ewe and one ram
Class 253: Group of three, only one sheep from any class