The All Ireland Non Pedigree Suckler Heifer Championship.
Sponsored by Progressive Genetics,
Irelands Leading AI Provider
Prize Fund at Final (Swinford Show) €2,000
Rules and Conditions:
Entry fee: to qualifying show €10, to Final €15
Final: Swinford Show Sunday 25th August 2024
Note for Information regarding Movement of Bovine to Shows
The Department of Agriculture implemented a number of changes on 4th February 2019 which changed the procedures and criteria applicable when applying for a Certificate of Compliance for the movement of cattle. These also impact on the certificate which is required when moving bovine to a Show.
The following sets out the criteria applicable:
As is currently the case the Movement Notification Section of the Certificate should be Completed by the Keeper and the Show Secretary who must clearly indicate the Show Number. The Show movement should be recorded on the passport. Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling these requirements lies with the Show Secretary. If the animals move to a herd other than the source herd, the new destination herd must complete and sign the certificate also.
Completd forms should be sent by the Show Secretary to the local RVO within 7 days of the Show.
Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
**** Irish Shows Association Notice ****
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Certificate of Compliance Requirements
On the day of the Show, the Certificate of Compliance should be presented to the Show Secretary.
The keeper and the Show Secretary will then sign the Movement.
Notification section of the Certificate which will then Must be sent to the local RVO for recording onto the AIM system.
Important Notice
The Clonmany Agriculture Show Committee, acting by itself or through its Agents/Officers, reserves the right to reject or cancel any entry or entries made by or on behalf of any person, corporate or other entity and may direct the removal of any animal or other exhibit from the showing ring or display area and/or its Agents/Officers shall deem it fit to do so, without offering any explanation or reasonfor so doing and without incurring any liability whatsoever to any such Applicant/Exhibitor or his/her/its Agent.
New Rule for Exhibitors
If a qualified exhibitor does not turn up to an ISA final without giving prior notice to the ISA office or to a board member he or she will incur a financial penalty.
No entries permitted on day of event.